3226 - Peacock Wrasse - Symphodus tinca - 44cm
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Fethyie/Turkey - Mediterranean Sea
Sorry - not sure of the identity of this fish.
Found in shallow sea (less than 1m) while snorkelling. Happy to amend entry if someone can identify.
Tentative ID!
Photographer: Martin Davies

3904 - Peacock Wrasse - Symphodus tinca - 44cm
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La Gabini/Bormes les mimosas/France - Mediterranean Sea
Photographer: Philippe

2073 - Peacock Wrasse/Male - Symphodus tinca - 44cm
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La Herradura/Spain - Mediterranean Sea
On a night dive with my brother. We found this little guy perched on this rock, Well I guess I can't really call him little when he is over a foot long.
Photographer: Get Wet Photo Inc.